Loan for Car Dealer & Tent Management (Floor Plan)
Version: 1.0.0
Vendor: iDesign Solution
Loan for car dealer & tent management (Floor Plan) เป็นระบบการบริหารจัดการการให้สินเชื่อแก่ผู้ประกอบการขายรถยนต์ (Dealer / Tent) ในการซื้อรถยนต์จาก OEM, ประมูลรถยนต์, รถบ้าน แบบครบวงจร ซึ่งประกอบด้วย การพิจารณาอนุมัติและกำหนดวงเงินสินเชื่อการเบิกเงินกู้, การจ่ายคืนเงินกู้, การตรวจสอบรถยนต์หลักประกัน, การปิดบัญชีเงินกู้ และการบริหารจัดการหนี้
- Dashboard Performance
- Loan Criteria & Condition Set up
- Credit & Credit Line Approval
- Credit Line Withdrawal
- Car Dealers / Tents Repayment
- SWAP Loan
- Loan Closing
- Outsource Car Checking Approval
- Car Checking
- Debt Management
- Loan Criteria & Condition Set up
- Credit Approval & Credit Line Approval
- Credit Line Withdraw
- Car Dealers / Tents Repayment
- SWAP Loan
- Loan Closing
- Outsource Car Checking Approval
- Car Checking
- Standard Dashboard
- Credit Approval & Credit Line Approval Report
- Credit Lines Withdrawal Report
- Car Dealer / Tents Repayment Report
- SWAP Loan Report
- Loan Closing Report
- Car Checking Report
- Able to measure and evaluate Floor Plan Business with statistical data from the system
- Able to analyze and design products directly to target groups and is fast to the needs of the market
Product / Marketing / Sales
- Able to support and respond to the needs of every group of customers, including Car dealers, Tents, OEM in all aspects and in a short time
- Able to develop new strategies to compete with competitors in the Floor Plan market
Operation Staffs
- Flexible System & Monitoring
- Can set Floor Plan Business rules, condition & operations for each product differently
- Able to control operations with workflow
- Increase efficiency and productivity in each process with workflow tools
- Lean & Reprocess to reduce times used in each process for better serve the customer
- Reduce business operating cost
Car Dealers / Tents / Business Partners
- Able to check and update one’s own information
- Able to perform various transactions by oneself at any time
- The company can report various interesting benefits to Car Dealers / Tents / Business Partners